Bus Behavior
Inappropriate behavior while riding the bus can result in removal from the bus service for an indefinite period of time. Some specific rules related to bus are found in School Handbook.

Buses Route
- Ajman
- Sharjah
- Dubai
School Bus Rules
- Standoff roadway while awaiting the bus.
- Students must be on time; the bus will not wait for those who are tardy.
- Students must board and leave the bus at their regular stop location (unless written permission from the
parent received). - The driver and one teacher are in full charge of the bus and students. Students must obey the rules.
- Keep your arms and heads inside of windows. No object shall be thrown from windows.
School Bus Rules
- Unnecessary conversation with the driver is dangerous.
- Students must refrain from fighting, pushing, and tripping while boarding, riding, and leaving a bus.
- Students must not use any abusive or profane language to other students or the driver
- No eating or drinking is allowed on a bus.
- No animals (dead or alive), glass or glass containers, sharp objects, cutting instruments, will be allowed
on the bus.